templates/front/hunt/journey.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% set currentOffer = offer %}
  2. {% set territoryOffersCount = 0 %}
  3. {% for offer in offer.getTerritory().getOffers() %}
  4.     {% if offer.getId() != currentOffer.getId() and offer.getStatus() == 1 %}
  5.         {% set territoryOffersCount = territoryOffersCount + 1 %}
  6.     {% endif %}
  7. {% endfor %}
  8. {% if app.user %}
  9.     {% set userIsOwner = offer.createdBy.id == app.user.id %}
  10. {% else %}
  11.     {% set userIsOwner = false %}
  12. {% endif %}
  13. <div class="details">
  14.     <div class="detail-tac">
  15.         <p class="type {{ offer.type }}"> Journée de chasse</p>
  16.         {% if offer.isTuchassouSelected %}
  17.             <p class="type br"> Sélection Tuchassou</p>
  18.         {% endif %}
  19.     </div>
  20.     {% set territory = offer.territory %}
  21.     <h1>{{ offer.title }}</h1>
  22.     <p class="city">
  23.         <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
  24.             <defs>
  25.                 <style>.cls-1 {
  26.                         fill: none;
  27.                     }
  28.                     .cls-2 {
  29.                         fill: #ff5203;
  30.                     } </style>
  31.             </defs>
  32.             <g id="pin-solid" transform="translate(-0.5)">
  33.                 <g id="icons_Q2" data-name="icons Q2" transform="translate(3.423 1.14)">
  34.                     <path id="Tracé_12723" data-name="Tracé 12723" class="cls-2"
  35.                           d="M15.6,2A8.541,8.541,0,0,0,7,10.78c0,4.829,5.817,10.39,7.891,12.39a.985.985,0,0,0,1.416,0c2.074-2,7.891-7.463,7.891-12.39A8.484,8.484,0,0,0,15.6,2Zm0,10.731a3.479,3.479,0,0,1-3.541-3.415,3.543,3.543,0,0,1,7.081,0A3.479,3.479,0,0,1,15.6,12.731Z"
  36.                           transform="translate(-7 -2)"></path>
  37.                 </g>
  38.             </g>
  39.         </svg>
  40.         {{ territory.city }}
  41.     </p>
  42.     <ul class="libs">
  43.         <li>
  44.             <p>
  45.                 <span><icon><img src="{{ asset('assets/img/forest.png') }}"></icon>Biotope <i class="fa fa-info-circle"
  46.                                                                                               data-bs-toggle="modal"
  47.                                                                                               data-bs-target="#modal-biotope">&nbsp;</i></span>
  48.                 <span>{% for biotope in territory.biotope %}{{ biotope }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}</span>
  49.             </p>
  50.         </li>
  51.         <li>
  52.             <p>
  53.                 <span><icon><img src="{{ asset('assets/img/space.png') }}"></icon>Superficie</span>
  54.                 <span>{{ territory.nbHectares }} hectares</span>
  55.             </p>
  56.         </li>
  57.         <li>
  58.             <p>
  59.                 <span><icon><img src="{{ asset('assets/img/hunt.png') }}"></icon>Mode de chasse</span>
  60.                 <span>{% for huntingMode in offer.huntingMode %}{{ huntingMode.title }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}</span>
  61.             </p>
  62.         </li>
  63.         <li>
  64.             <p>
  65.                 <span><icon>
  66.                 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20.04" viewBox="0 0 20 20.04">
  67.     <path data-name="Tracé 12813"
  68.           d="M38.5-571.625a1.285 1.285 0 0 1 1.168.854 2.616 2.616 0 0 1 .052 1.738v.01a5.2 5.2 0 0 0-.1.6c-.045.639-.1 7.652-.064 8.563.121 3.233.068 4.356-.246 5.221a3.835 3.835 0 0 1-2.237 2.353 2.712 2.712 0 0 1-.813.125 3.208 3.208 0 0 1-2.341-1.1 10.507 10.507 0 0 1-2.224-5.675 14.527 14.527 0 0 1 0-3.141 15.731 15.731 0 0 1 1.4-4.81 10.911 10.911 0 0 1 2.314-3.24 6.035 6.035 0 0 1 2.308-1.333 2.478 2.478 0 0 1 .783-.165zm-.484 2.194a3.54 3.54 0 0 0 .057-.3 4.236 4.236 0 0 0-1.507.919 9.193 9.193 0 0 0-1.891 2.681 14.012 14.012 0 0 0-1.244 4.284 12.854 12.854 0 0 0 0 2.684 8.957 8.957 0 0 0 1.774 4.713 1.492 1.492 0 0 0 1.057.543.956.956 0 0 0 .286-.044 2.13 2.13 0 0 0 1.119-1.282c.215-.591.249-1.7.142-4.558-.036-.98.019-8.1.068-8.762v-.01a6.806 6.806 0 0 1 .142-.868z"
  69.           transform="translate(-29.496 571.87)" style="fill:#172a3b"/>
  70.     <path data-name="Tracé 12814"
  71.           d="M243.664-565.081a3.387 3.387 0 0 1 1.137.24 7.624 7.624 0 0 1 3 2.581 10.9 10.9 0 0 1 .717 1.388 14.489 14.489 0 0 1 .727 2.622 20.83 20.83 0 0 1 .119 5.66c-.1.9-.271 2.18-.37 2.791a6.551 6.551 0 0 1-1.08 3.065 3.188 3.188 0 0 1-2.614 1.234 3.1 3.1 0 0 1-1.916-.616h-.006a3.69 3.69 0 0 1-1.094-1.448v-.007a5.46 5.46 0 0 1-.354-1.22 5.923 5.923 0 0 1-.1-1.558 26.469 26.469 0 0 1 .3-3.728 35.516 35.516 0 0 0 .424-5.3c-.011-.266-.035-.752-.057-1.181l-.012-.236a31.646 31.646 0 0 1-.051-1.444 13.874 13.874 0 0 1 .116-1.762 1.272 1.272 0 0 1 .253-.723 1.06 1.06 0 0 1 .861-.358zm1.637 17.829a1.447 1.447 0 0 0 1.21-.526 5.123 5.123 0 0 0 .757-2.3v-.005c.1-.586.26-1.827.359-2.709a19.014 19.014 0 0 0-.1-5.166 12.727 12.727 0 0 0-.627-2.269 9.938 9.938 0 0 0-.539-1.053 6.067 6.067 0 0 0-2.131-1.91 8.338 8.338 0 0 0-.049.943c0 .277.022.894.048 1.347l.012.245c.022.433.046.924.057 1.2a36.285 36.285 0 0 1-.437 5.589 24.735 24.735 0 0 0-.282 3.509 4.358 4.358 0 0 0 .067 1.2v.008a3.745 3.745 0 0 0 .249.884 1.964 1.964 0 0 0 .539.743 1.358 1.358 0 0 0 .866.27z"
  72.           transform="translate(-231.542 565.541)" style="fill:#172a3b"/>
  73. </svg>
  74. </icon>Gibiers<i class="fa fa-info-circle"
  75.                  style="margin-left: 5px;"
  76.                  data-bs-toggle="modal"
  77.                  data-bs-target="#modal-gibiers">&nbsp;</i></span>
  78.                 <span>{% for gibier in offer.gibiers %}{% if loop.index0 < 2 %}{{ gibier.title }}{% endif %}{% if loop.index0 == 0 %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% if offer.gibiers|length > 2 %}...{% endif %}</span>
  79.             </p>
  80.         </li>
  81.         <li>
  82.             <p>
  83.                <span><icon><svg version="1.2" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="32" height="32">
  84.     <title>empreinte-de-patte</title>
  85.     <defs>
  86.         <image  width="32" height="32" id="img1" href=""/>
  87.     </defs>
  88.     <style>
  89.     </style>
  90.     <use id="Background" href="#img1" x="0" y="0"/>
  91. </svg></icon>Animal <i class="fa fa-info-circle"
  92.                        style="margin-left: 5px;"
  93.                        data-bs-toggle="modal"
  94.                        data-bs-target="#modal-animal">&nbsp;</i></span>
  95.                 <span>{% for animal in offer.animals %}{% if loop.index0 < 2 %}{{ animal.name }}{% endif %}{% if loop.index0 == 0 %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% if offer.animals|length > 2 %}...{% endif %}</span>
  96.             </p>
  97.         </li>
  98.         <li>
  99.             <p>
  100.                 <span><icon><img src="{{ asset('assets/img/user.png') }}"></icon> Statut de l'hôte </span>
  101.                 <span>{{ territory.status }}</span>
  102.             </p>
  103.         </li>
  104.     </ul>
  105.     <ul class="tabs">
  106.         <li class="tab active" data-tab="about"><a href="#">A propos</a></li>
  107.         <li class="tab" data-tab="huntMap"><a href="#">Carte</a></li>
  108.         <li class="tab" data-tab="details"><a href="#">Informations détaillées</a></li>
  109.         {% if offer.getTerritory().getOffers()|length > 1  and territoryOffersCount > 0 %}
  110.             <li class="tab" data-tab="related-offers"><a href="#">Les offres du territoire</a></li>
  111.         {% endif %}
  112.     </ul>
  113.     <div class="tab-content" id="about">
  114.         <p id="valid-days" class="d-none">{% for day in offer.validDays %}{% if loop.index0 != 0 %}, {% endif %}{{ day }}{% endfor %}</p>
  115.         <h2>Description d'une journée type</h2>
  116.         <p class="description">{{ offer.unfoldsDay }}</p>
  117.         <h2>Description de l'équipe/de l'expérience de chasse</h2>
  118.         <p class="description">{{ offer.teamExperienceDescription }}</p>
  119.         <h2>Plan de chasse</h2>
  120.         <p class="description">{{ offer.huntingPlan }}</p>
  121.         {% if offer.planningText %}
  122.             <h2>Planning</h2>
  123.             <p class="description">{{ offer.planningText }}</p>
  124.         {% endif %}
  125.     </div>
  126.     <div class="tab-content" id="huntMap">
  127.         <div id="map_details" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></div>
  128.     </div>
  129.     <div class="tab-content" id="details">
  130.         <p class="information-title">Options</p>
  131.         <ul class="informations">
  132.             {% for service in offer.offerAdditionalServices %}
  133.                 {% if service.additionalService.name not in ["repas","hébergement"] %}
  134.                     <li>
  135.                         {% if service.isActive %}
  136.                             <span>{{ service.additionalService.name|capitalize }}</span>
  137.                             <span class="valide">Oui</span>
  138.                             <span style="margin-left: 100px;">{% if service.price is not null and service.price > 0 %}{{ service.price }} €{% else %}Gratuit{% endif %}</span>
  139.                         {% else %}
  140.                             <span>{{ service.additionalService.name|capitalize }}</span>
  141.                             <span class="non-valide">Non</span>
  142.                         {% endif %}
  143.                     </li>
  144.                 {% endif %}
  145.             {% endfor %}
  146.             {% if offer.hasShowServices() %}
  147.                     {% for service in offer.offerAdditionalServices %}
  148.                         {% if service.additionalService.name in ["repas","hébergement"] %}
  149.                             <li>
  150.                                 {% if service.isActive %}
  151.                                     <span>{{ service.additionalService.name|capitalize }}</span>
  152.                                     <span class="valide">Oui</span>
  153.                                     <span style="margin-left: 100px;">{% if service.price is not null and service.price > 0 %}{{ service.price }} €{% endif %}</span>
  154.                                 {% else %}
  155.                                     <span>{{ service.additionalService.name|capitalize }}</span>
  156.                                     <span class="non-valide">Non</span>
  157.                                 {% endif %}
  158.                             </li>
  159.                         {% endif %}
  160.                     {% endfor %}
  161.             {% endif %}
  162.         </ul>
  163.         {% if offer.furtherInformation or offer.getWeapons() or offer.equipement %}
  164.             <p class="information-title">A savoir</p>
  165.             <ul class="informations">
  166.                 <li>
  167.                     <span>Armes Autorisées</span>
  168.                     <span>
  169.                         {% if  offer.getWeapons()|length > 0 %}
  170.                             {{ offer.getWeapons()|join(', ') }}
  171.                         {% endif %}
  172.                     </span>
  173.                 </li>
  174.                 {% if offer.equipement %}
  175.                     <li>
  176.                         <span>Equipement : {{ offer.equipement }}</span>
  177.                     </li>
  178.                 {% endif %}
  179.                 <li>
  180.                     <span>Informations complémentaires : {{ offer.furtherInformation }}</span>
  181.                 </li>
  182.             </ul>
  183.         {% endif %}
  184.     </div>
  185.     {% if offer.getTerritory().getOffers()|length > 1  and territoryOffersCount > 0 %}
  186.         <div class="tab-content" id="related-offers">
  187.             <ul class="carousel_slides_related_offers">
  188.                 {% set currentOffer = offer %}
  189.                 {% for offer in offer.getTerritory().getOffers() %}
  190.                     {% if offer.getId() != currentOffer.getId() %}
  191.                         <li>
  192.                             {% include 'front/hunt/offer_bloc.html.twig' with {'class': 'other-territory-offers'}  %}
  193.                         </li>
  194.                     {% endif %}
  195.                 {% endfor %}
  196.             </ul>
  197.         </div>
  198.     {% endif %}
  199. </div>
  200. <div class="order bracelet journer {% if offer.status == 3 %} offer-ep {% endif %}">
  201.     <div class="or">
  202. <span class="close">
  203. <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
  204.                     <path data-name=""
  205.                           d="M233.218 162.145h-11.907l4.936 4.936a1.014 1.014 0 1 1-1.434 1.434l-6.671-6.671a1.007 1.007 0 0 1 0-1.434l6.671-6.671a1.014 1.014 0 1 1 1.434 1.434l-4.936 4.97h11.907a1 1 0 0 1 0 2z"
  206.                           transform="translate(-213.866 -149.485)" style="fill:#172a3b;fill-rule:evenodd"></path>
  207.                 </svg>
  208. </span>
  209.         <form method="post" action="{{ path('booking_create') }}">
  210.             {% if app.request.get('error') is defined and app.request.get('error') != '' %}
  211.                 <div class="alert alert-danger">{{ app.request.get('error') }}</div>
  212.             {% endif %}
  213.             <input type="hidden" name="offerType" id="offerType" value="jr">
  214.             <input type="hidden" name="offerId" value="{{ offer.getId() }}" id="offerId">
  215.             <input type="hidden" name="quantity" value="1" id="quantity">
  216.             <input type="hidden" name="startDate" value="" id="startDate">
  217.             <input type="hidden" name="endDate" value="" id="endDate">
  218.             <input type="hidden" name="nbDayBooks" value="" id="nbDayBooks">
  219.             <input type="hidden" name="initial_formated_price"
  220.                    value="{{ offer.getBasePrice()|number_format(2, '.', '') }}" id="initial_formated_price">
  221.             <input type="hidden" id="nbmax" value="{{ offer.nbPlacesDay }}"/>
  222.             <input type="hidden" id="validdays" value="{{ offer.getValidDays()|json_encode }}"/>
  223.             <input type="hidden" id="bookingdays" value="{{ offer.getBookingDays()|json_encode }}"/>
  224.             <input type="hidden" id="selectedDates" value="oui" name="selectedDates">
  225.             <!--<div class="alert alert-danger" style="display: none;" id="errorNbMax">Le nombre maximale de places disponibles par jour est {# offer.nbPlacesDay #}.</div>-->
  226.             <div class="alert alert-danger" style="display: none;" id="errorNbMaxDates"></div>
  227.             <div class="form">
  228.                 <div id="sidebar">
  229.                     <div class="headline">
  230.                         <a href="#" class="back">
  231.                             <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
  232.                                 <path data-name=""
  233.                                       d="M233.218 162.145h-11.907l4.936 4.936a1.014 1.014 0 1 1-1.434 1.434l-6.671-6.671a1.007 1.007 0 0 1 0-1.434l6.671-6.671a1.014 1.014 0 1 1 1.434 1.434l-4.936 4.97h11.907a1 1 0 0 1 0 2z"
  234.                                       transform="translate(-213.866 -149.485)"
  235.                                       style="fill:#172a3b;fill-rule:evenodd"></path>
  236.                             </svg>
  237.                             Sélectionner une date
  238.                         </a>
  239.                     </div>
  240.                 </div>
  241.                 <div class="modifable">
  242.                     <div id="dates">
  243.                         <div class="headline">
  244.                             <a href="#" class="back">
  245.                                 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
  246.                                     <path data-name=""
  247.                                           d="M233.218 162.145h-11.907l4.936 4.936a1.014 1.014 0 1 1-1.434 1.434l-6.671-6.671a1.007 1.007 0 0 1 0-1.434l6.671-6.671a1.014 1.014 0 1 1 1.434 1.434l-4.936 4.97h11.907a1 1 0 0 1 0 2z"
  248.                                           transform="translate(-213.866 -149.485)"
  249.                                           style="fill:#172a3b;fill-rule:evenodd"></path>
  250.                                 </svg>
  251.                                 Sélectionner une date
  252.                             </a>
  253.                         </div>
  254.                         <input type="text" class="startDate d-none" onkeydown="return false">
  255.                     </div>
  256.                 </div>
  257.                 <div class="mob-variant select-date">
  258.                     <p class="price"><span
  259.                                 id="initial_price">{{ offer.getBasePrice()|number_format(2, '.', ',') }} €</span> /
  260.                         Journée </p>
  261.                     <a class=" d btn btn-default">Sélectionner une date</a>
  262.                 </div>
  263.                 <div class="mob-variant reservation-mob" style="display:none;">
  264.                     <div class="left-c">
  265.                         <p class="details"><span class="final_price"></span> €
  266.                             <span> Voir le détail</span></p>
  267.                         <p class="total">Total<span>Tva et services inclus</span></p>
  268.                     </div>
  269.                     <button id="reservation" class="submit">Réserver</button>
  270.                 </div>
  271.                 <p class="price"><span id="initial_price">{{ offer.getBasePrice()|number_format(2, '.', ',') }} €</span>
  272.                     / Journée
  273.                 </p>
  274.                 {% if userIsOwner %}
  275.                     <div class="booking-not-allowed">
  276.                         Vous ne pouvez pas réserver votre propre annonce.
  277.                     </div>
  278.                 {% else %}
  279.                     <ul class="variants">
  280.                         <li>
  281.                             <div>
  282.                                 <p>Quantité</p>
  283.                                 <span id="qty">1</span> Journée<span class="plusriels" style="display: none">s</span>
  284.                             </div>
  285.                             <div>
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  288.                             </div>
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  311.                         <small class="text-sm" style="font-style: italic; font-size: 0.70rem;" id="selectedDatesShow">
  312.                             Sélectionnez une date.
  313.                         </small>
  314.                     </div>
  315.                 {% endif %}
  316.                 <div class="alert alert-info infosStockDay" style="display: none;"></div>
  317.                 <div class="order-totals">
  318.                     <p class="total">Total<span>Tva et services inclus</span></p>
  319.                     <p class="details"><span
  320.                                 class="final_price">{{ offer.getBasePrice()|number_format(2, '.', ',') }}</span> €
  321.                         <span type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#coll" aria-expanded="false">Voir le détail</span>
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  325.                     <ul>
  326.                         <li class="homey_price_first">
  327.                             Prix du place <span>{{ offer.getBasePrice() }} €</span>
  328.                         </li>
  329.                         <li>
  330.                             Frais de service <span>{{ offer.getFraisService() }} €</span>
  331.                         </li>
  332.                         <li class="payment-due">Paiement dû <span
  333.                                     class="final_price">{{ offer.getBasePrice()|number_format(2, '.', ',') }}  €</span>
  334.                         </li>
  335.                     </ul>
  336.                 </div>
  337.                 <p class="confirm">Je confirme</p>
  338.                 <ul class="checkboxes">
  339.                     <li>
  340.                         <input id="isAcceptPermis" type="checkbox" required>
  341.                         <span>Que mon permis de chasse est valide pour le lieu et les dates auxquelles je compte chasser</span>
  342.                     </li>
  343.                     <li>
  344.                         <input id="isAcceptCivilite" type="checkbox" required>
  345.                         <span>Que je suis détenteur d'une responsabilité civile chasse</span>
  346.                     </li>
  347.                     <li>
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  349.                         <span>Que j'ai lu et j'accepte les <a href="#" target="_blank" style="color: #1db3a3 !important">CGU.</a></span>
  350.                     </li>
  351.                 </ul>
  352.                 <p class="order-notification">
  353.                     La réservation est à titre personnel.<br>
  354.                     Pour une réservation à plusieurs,<br>
  355.                     veuillez <span>contacter TUCHASSOU.</span>
  356.                 </p>
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  377.                                                             <i class="fa fa-calendar-check">&nbsp</i></p>
  378.                                                         <p>
  379.                                                             La réservation vous sera accessible dès qu'un membre
  380.                                                             Tuchassou aura validé votre compte. N'hésitez pas à nous
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  392.                     </div>
  393.                 {% else %}
  394.                     <button id="reservation" class="submit" {% if userIsOwner %}disabled{% endif %}>Réserver</button>
  395.                 {% endif %}
  396.             </div>
  397.         </form>
  398.         {% if offer.status == 3 %}
  399.             <p class="center">Offre épuisée, contactez-nous si vous souhaitez être averti lors de sa disponibilité</p>
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  401.         {% endif %}
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  407.                           transform="translate(-175.182 -104.708)" style="fill:#172a3b"/>
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  414.         <div class="mob-variant select-date">
  415.             <p class="price"><span id="initial_price">{{ offer.getBasePrice()|number_format(2, '.', ',') }} €</span> /
  416.                 Journée</p>
  417.             <a class=" new_d btn btn-default">Sélectionner une date</a>
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  435.           transform="translate(-231.542 565.541)" style="fill:#172a3b"/>
  436. </svg>
  437. </icon> <span style="margin-left: 10px;">Gibiers</span> <br></span>
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  440.                 <span> <b> Gibiers </b> </span><br>
  441.                 <span>{% for gibier in offer.gibiers %}{{ gibier.title }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}</span>
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  464.             <div class="modal-body">
  465.                 <span> <b> Animal </b> </span><br>
  466.                 <span>{% for animal in offer.animals %}{{ animal.name }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}</span>
  467.             </div>
  468.         </div>
  469.     </div>
  470. </div>